fmovies Guns Akimbo Streaming Mobile Site
audience Score=19581 vote /
Release Date=2019 /
Countries=Germany /
Duration=1 Hour 38min /
User Ratings=6,9 / 10 stars
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So, there is a fair amount of bad reviews for this one, and although some are relevant, I think they miss the point.
Is this film trying to be Crank? Yes.
Is this film a well constructed and deep story? No.
But is the film packed with raw action and over the top gun fights? Oh yes.
This is the kind of film you watch with friends to have a good laugh or just by yourself to zone out for an hour and a half.
Does this movie have flaws? Yes.
But did I come for a Inception sequel? No.
I came for an action-packed film somewhat different from the generic "The Rock" type of film.
And the movie absolutely delivered.
Overall great experience and a ton of fun.
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